
Czekajac na lot.

Udalo sie. Jestesmy w Stambule.

We made it. We’re in Istanbul.

Droga poszla zdecydowanie szybciej, niz sie spodziewalismy. co zawdzieczamy najlepszym na swiecie tureckim panom kierowcom tirow wielkich. Czesciowo najedzeni i polowicznie wykapani w morzu spotkalismy sie w centrum Konstantynopola, gdzie mieszkamy. Przyjeli nas wspaniali couch surferzy- poswiecili mnostwo czasu na pokazanie nam miasta za dnia, a w nocy szaleli z nami na tancach przy genialnej muzyce. Dzisiaj rano zjedlismy wspaniale, iscie tureckie sniadanie przed nasza kamienica, w towarzystwie sasiadow.

We made our way here much faster than we expected, which we are thankful for to all the best in the world Turkish lorry drivers. Nearly full and half showered in the sea we met in the centre of Constantinople, where we’re staying. We got hosted by wonderful couchsurfers who spent a lot of time showing us around the city during the day. At night they joined us in the mad dancing to brilliant music. This morning we had a wonderful, truly Turkish breakfast in front of our house in the company of the neighbours.

Spotkala nas tez dosc niezwykla niespodzianka: otoz wbrew naszym dotychczasowym przekonianiom, lot mamy jutro, a nie dzis. Czyli spokojnie mozemy sobie pozwolic na drobne zakupy (ach! te mydla, pierscionki i chusty! owoce, orzechy, slodycze! dywany i lampy Alladyna!), czaj na ulicy, spacer nad Bosforem, ploteczki, powolne roztapianie sie w sloncu i kolejna impreze.
Stambul jest niesamowity. Az trudno go opisac (moze dlatego, ze halas taki, ze czlowiek nie slyszy wlasnych mysli?). Najbardziej niesamowici sa ludzie. Co chwile spotykaja nas jakies drobne cuda, poczestunki, usmiechy.

We were also quite surprised to find that, contrary to what we believed until now, our flight is tomorrow, not today. That means that we can easily allow ourselves to do some small shopping (oh! the soaps, rings and scarffs! the fruit, the nuts, the sweets! the carpets and Aladdin’s lamps!), the tea in the street, the walk along the Bosphorus, the gossiping, and melting slowly in the heat. And another party! Istanbul is incredible. It’s hard to describe, perhaps because the noise is so great, that one cannot even hear one’s own thoughts. But the most wonderful thing about it are the people. Small miracles, refreshment invitations and smiles happen all the time.

Wracajac z Grand Bazaar wsrod zamykanych pod wieczor straganow znalezlismy grzechotke, lusterka, a od pana z bakaliami, za piosenke garsc tureckich smakolykow.

On our way back from Grand Bazaar, among the evening closing of the stalls, we found a rattle, mirrors and from a man selling nuts, a fistful of Turkish delights in exchange for a song. 

Tance skonczylismy o 4 nad ranem, ale energii starczylo nam jeszcze na msze o 8. Jurek spi do tej pory. Jest 15. Spotkalismy tam glownie Nigeryjczykow. Wszedzie sami faceci. Nawet tu, w kafejce gdzie siedzimy wsrod 15 osob jedyna kobieta jest Basia. Gdzie te kobiety!

We finished our dances at 4am, but we still had enough energy for a mass at 8am. Jurek is still asleep though. It’s 3pm. We met mostly Nigerians there. Everywhere only guys. Even here, in the cafe among the 15 people here the only woman is Basia. Where are the women!

Sniadanie zjedlismy na ulicy. Wystawilismy stolik, a krzeselka dostalismy od fryzjera obok, a widelce od wesolej sprzataczki domu publicznego znajdujacego sie naprzeciwko. Cala ulica i przechodnie zyczyli nam smacznego.
Konczymy, Bosfor czeka!

We had our breakfast in the street. We put a table outside and we got some chairs from a hairdresser next door, we got forks form a happy  brothel cleaner on the other side of the street. The whole street and the passers-by wished us bon apetit.  Ok, we’re done. Bosphorus is waiting!

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